Showing posts with label morning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morning. Show all posts

Monday 18 November 2019

Availability Targets Makes Life Easier

Availability Targets Makes Life Easier.
You'll be more liable to to stick to your New Year's resolutions if you secure realistic and achievable goals, an expert suggests in Dec 2013. Too many population try to do too much too fast and set unattainable goals, which simply sets them up for failure, according to Luis Manzo, administrative director of student wellness and assessment at St John's University in New York. "There is no intuit in making a resolution to wake up every morning at 5 AM and dart five miles if you know you are not a morning person and you have never run more than a mile in your life.

Such a goal will just cripple you when you are unable to stick to it," he said in a university news release. "Rather, play to your strengths, prefer goals that you can do and that work for you," Manzo suggested. "Maybe a more realistic goal is perpetual after work for 20 minutes two days during the week and once on the weekend for 25 minutes. Start small, raise your confidence and your motivation will skyrocket".