Showing posts with label genome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genome. Show all posts

Sunday 8 December 2019

Scanning The Human Genome Provide Insights Into The Likelihood Of Future Disease

Scanning The Human Genome Provide Insights Into The Likelihood Of Future Disease.
Stephen Quake, a Stanford University professor of bioengineering, now has a very virtuous atmosphere of his own genetic destiny. Quake's DNA was the focal point of the first completely mapped genome of a tonic person aimed at predicting future health risks. The scrutinize was conducted by a team of Stanford researchers and cost about $50,000. The researchers say they can now augur Quake's risk for dozens of diseases and how he might respond to a number of widely used medicines.

This breed of individualized risk report could become common within the next decade and may become much cheaper, according to the Stanford team. "The $1000 genome evaluation is coming fast. The challenge lies in knowing what to do with all that information. We've focused on establishing priorities that will be most kind when a patient and a physician are sitting together looking at the computer screen," Euan Ashley, an helpmate professor of medicine, said in a university news release.

Those priorities count assessing how a person's activity levels, weight, diet and other lifestyle habits pool with his or her genetic risk for, or protection against, health problems such as diabetes or ticker attack. It's also important to determine if a certain medication is likely to benefit the patient or cause detrimental side effects.

"We're at the dawn of a new age in genomics. Information like this will enable doctors to transfer personalized health care like never before. Patients at risk for certain diseases will be able to welcome closer monitoring and more frequent testing, while those who are at lower risk will be spared unnecessary tests. This will have consequential economic benefits as well, because it improves the efficiency of medicine".

Tuesday 3 December 2019

The Gene Responsible For Alzheimer's Disease

The Gene Responsible For Alzheimer's Disease.
Data that details every gene in the DNA of 410 ladies and gentlemen with Alzheimer's cancer can now be studied by researchers, the US National Institutes of Health announced this week. This ahead batch of genetic data is now available from the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project, launched in February 2012 as component of an intensified national struggle to find ways to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. Genome sequencing outlines the apply for of all 3 billion chemical letters in an individual's DNA, which is the entire set of genetic data every soul carries in every cell.

And "Providing raw DNA sequence data to a wide range of researchers is a powerful, crowd-sourced nature to find genomic changes that put us at increased risk for this devastating disease," NIH Director Dr Francis Collins said in an introduce news release. "The genome poke out is designed to identify genetic risks for late onset of Alzheimer's disease, but it could also detect versions of genes that protect us".